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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

From Protection to Marketing: Packaging’s Contribution to Marketing

Published: May 27, 2020


Bo Rundh, Karlstad University, Karlstad Business School


Marketing; Packaging; Supply Chain


The role of packaging has changed from strictly protecting goods to become a more multi-faceted tool for marketing purposes. The multi function of packaging has changed its role in marketing and packaging plays a strategic role as the first product attribute to which consumers are exposed in a store or supermarket. The research method in this study is based on a qualitative approach based on secondary data combined with field visits and personal interviews. The result in this study show the importance of material research made by suppliers, but also the influence of different requirements from actors in a supply chain driving development resulting in packaging solutions for the benefit of end consumers. A main managerial implication is the use of progress within material development and application of necessary processes for higher efficiency within a supply chain. Another managerial implication is the importance of packaging design. A theoretical implication is a need for a better integration of market information in to the packaging development process. Another theoretical contribution is a need of higher integration of packaging into marketing strategy.